Changes have occurred to the requirements to operate forklifts in Western Australia.
The National Licensing Standard requires operators of forklifts to hold a National Licence issued by WorkSafe.
Types of forklifts covered by the National Licensing Standard
The National Licensing Standard requires operators of the following types of forklifts to hold a National Licence:
Forklift truck – covers the operation of a powered industrial truck equipped with a mast and an elevating load carriage to which is attached a pair of forkarms or other attachment. This type of forklift is generally referred to as a counter-balance forklift.
Order picking forklift truck – covers the operation of a powered industrial truck of a type where the operator’s control arrangement is incorporated with the load carriage/lifting, and elevates with it.
If you have any questions with regards to the operation of forklift please contact the business service centre, on 1300 424 091, or email your enquiry to wslicensing@dmirs.wa.gov.au.
The National Standard for Licensing Persons Performing High Risk Work can be accessed and downloaded from Safe Work Australia.